Friday 16 October 2020

19.10.20 - This week in Early Years

 This week in Early Years we will be:

  • Reading the story "Pumpkin Soup" and thinking about signs of Autumn we can see in our garden.
  • Going in an Autumn leaf hunt around the school grounds, collecting different coloured leaves.

  • Describing a pumpkin and then using our "careful counting" skills to count how many seeds are inside.
  • Drawing around templates and then using our scissor skills to create some Autumn leaves.
  • Starting our Start-Bee sessions by learning the pencil grip song!

Hopefully you saw the photo of the children in the Echo this week. A copy of this photo is also in every child's Learning Journey as a record of their start at Down Hall. 

Please remember, if you have concerns or you would like to know how your child has settled into school please send me an email using and I will get back to you.

Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Wakefield