Friday 9 October 2020

12.10.20 - This week in Year 1

 This week in Year 1 we will be:

  • Finishing our class book "Here We Are" and discussing the messages it tells us about our Earth.
  • Learning 4 new tricky words in Phonics and thinking of "top tips" to help us remember what they are and how to write them.
  • Using the part-whole model in our Mathematics sessions to record fact families and find systematic methods to record the number bonds to 10.
  • Continuing on our Daily Mile journey around the world. We have now reached India!
  • Writing in our English books and Maths books again to show our new Year 1 teachers just how amazing we are!!

This week in our Mathematics sessions we have been learning about the part-whole model. We watched the Numberblocks episode "Fruit Salad" as an introduction. 

Then we have been drawing our own (as shown in the picture above) and explaining which is the whole and which are the parts. The children have then recorded this as number sentences (again as shown in the picture above). So for example, if 3 is the whole then 1 and 2 are the parts. We have then gone on to record all the number sentences that we could find. 

So if 3 was the whole then the number sentences would be:
3=3+0, 3=2+1, 3=1+2, 3=0+3.

It would be great if the children could have a go at trying to work out the number sentences for any number up to 9. This will greatly support our learning next week when we work on number bonds to 10. Any homework can be emailed to me using

Many thanks for your continued support, have a lovely weekend!
Miss Wakefield