Hello everyone!
We have had a lovely week! We were SO proud of all of the children during our visit to St Michael's for our Christingle Service.
The children have now picked their parts for our Nativity and we will be working hard on that next week. The costumes are all sorted and from next week some of the children will be bringing home some words to learn and we would be very grateful if you could support them with this.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday 10th December - Early Years trip to the Panto
- Thursday 12th December - Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas lunch
- Friday 13th December - PTA Christmas Shopping Day (letter came home this week)
- Friday 20th December - Early Years Nativity performance
- Practising our Nativity, singing the songs and learning our words.
- Starting to make our own Christmas cards and calendars for our families.
- Updating our name display in the classrooms to show how our writing is improving.
- Working on our blending and segmenting of 3 phoneme words.
- Wearing our Christmas jumpers for Christmas Jumper day on Thursday and talking about Khadiza and enjoying Christmas Dinner together.