Hello everyone!
What a very busy time week in school! We have been exceptionally proud of how well all of our children have represented our school during this time. They are truly amazing! This is why both Buttercup and Snowdrop classes are ALL pupils of the week!
This coming Friday is going to be a very exciting day as it will mark 100 days since we started school! Mrs Wood has said we can have a little party to celebrate - we are even getting a special cake! As it also our Wellbeing day, the children do not need to wear uniform, they can come in party clothes or comfy clothes (which ever they prefer). We just ask that they are able to do PE in whatever they are wearing.
Now on to our learning for the coming week, we will be:
- Sharing the story "Stuck", this is a very silly story about a little boy called Floyd and how his kite got stuck in a tree.
- Comparing objects by their length and height in our Mathematics sessions.
- Sharing the book "How Long is a Whale?" and using it to help us compare different sea animals by their length.
- Comparing how tall we are compared with an Emperor Penguin.
- Writing some facts about polar animals
- Updating the name displays in our classrooms and thinking about how much they have improved.
- Celebrating 100 days in school on Friday!
Drop in this week will be on TUESDAY.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley