We hope you have all had a fabulous half term! We are looking forward to welcoming the children back tomorrow, for our next learning adventure! We are also looking forward to finding out their ideas for our new project "Dinosaurs". If you are unable to find the letters that came home before half term, then copies of them can be found here on the Early Years section of the website.
On to our learning for the coming week, we will be:
- Sharing Harry and the Dinosaurs stories. We will be reading several of these, including "Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School" and "Harry and the Robots".
- Discussing the story "Harry and the Robots" and thinking about the ways we take care of each other.
- Labelling different parts of one of Harry's robots, using our sounds to help spell the words we need to write.
- Thinking about the days of the week and ordering and sequencing periods of time in our Mathematics sessions.
- Learning the definitions of 5 more words in our Vocabulary Ninja sessions.
- Starting our next JIGSAW puzzle piece for PSHE - "Healthy Me".
Our drop in session this week will be on THURSDAY.
See you in the morning!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley