Friday, 28 February 2025

03.03.25 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello Everybody!

Thank you so much to all of you who worked with your child to discuss their ideas for our latest project, We have been enjoying reading their different ideas and finding out what they want to know about dinosaurs. Please don't worry if you've not had the chance to do this with your child, we are more than happy for them to come in next week. If you have mislaid your sheet please ask and we can pop another one in your child's bag or alternatively they are on our pages on the website. (A link was in last week's blog).

Next week is a busy week in school as the children will have their height and weight checks on Tuesday and it is World Book Day on Thursday. For World Book Day, the children can come dressed as their favourite character, or bring in a prop from their favourite book or just bring in their favourite book. 

Now onto our learning for the coming week, we will be:

  • Sharing the book Bumpus Jumpus Dinosaurumpus! 
  • Listening out for and writing a list of all the rhyming words in this week's text and learning how to play some rhyming games.
  • Learning how to write in our new Maths books, by using one square for each number.
  • Continuing to learn about consecutive consonants in our Phonics sessions, blending and segmenting words with 4 sounds. 
  • Moving onto the phase "Building 9 and 10" in our Mathematics sessions. This week we will be working on our careful counting.
  • Creating some robots, using junk modelling materials, just like Harry did in our story last week.

It has been lovely to start the term with some WOWs, please don't forget to ask if you need a new sheet.

Drop ins will start again this week and will be on FRIDAY.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley