Thursday 3 September 2020

Pearl and Quartz Welcome back!

Hello Pearl and Quartz families!

I hope you are all well and that you and your children are ready and looking forward to returning to school on Monday. We have been busy in school getting everything ready for their return and this blog is just a few reminders ready for Monday.

The children will only need their water bottles and lunch boxes (washable, of any type), all the children are eligible for the school packed lunches. The menu can be found here: Lunch Menu

All the children will be coming in and leaving by the Downhall Park Way entrance. We have chosen this entrance as it enables us to have a distinct entry and exit point (like in most public buildings) so we can maintain social distancing and keep our community safe. Please see the photo for clarification.

As there are staggered start and finish times, the children returning to Pearl and Quartz are due to start at 9.15am and finish at 2.45pm. However if your child has an older sibling then they can
start at the same time as their sibling, as all siblings start at the earliest time. Older siblings may come home at 2.45pm or, if you prefer, they can be collected at their individual collection time.(i.e.more than one collection time for you). If you decide to pick up your children at different times please email me and let the office know. (My email is at the end of this blog). 

The letter with the start and finishing times for all classes can be found here: Start and finish times

Any visits to the school, including the office, are strictly by appointment only and so it is very important to ensure that your child has remembered to bring everything they need with them. 

I will still post on this blog the work we will be covering in class. As the children are now in Year 1 it will be a mixture of Year 1 learning alongside things they would have needed to cover in the summer term in Early Years. In the morning we will focus on Phonics, English and Mathematics and in the afternoon we will be focusing on project work, completing the daily mile and having story times. There will be no PE for the first 2 weeks. 

If you have any further questions please email me using

The DfE have published guidance for parents about children returning to school. This can be found here: Returning to School

Thank you in advance for your patience and support. We are constantly reviewing the situation and adapting our plans accordingly and will of course update you as and when needed via our blog.

Looking forward to seeing you all next week!

Miss Wakefield