Friday 11 September 2020

14.09.20 - This week in Year 1

 This week in Year 1 we will be:

  • Continuing our mini project by thinking about ways we can take care of our world and all the creatures that live on Earth. 
  • Working on 4 phoneme words in our Phonics sessions, watching how the Alphablocks change words from 3 to 4 phonemes and then trying it for ourselves.
  • Finding 1 more or 1 less than a given number in our Mathematics sessions.
  • Adding to our "Draw with Rob" book by learning how to draw 2 more things. *Keep an eye on the school's Instagram account as some of our drawings will be appearing soon.

  • Continuing with our Daily Mile challenge.

You may have seen in the newsletter this week that all of the school have been given a piece of homework. We would really like to decorate the fence along Downhall Park Way with some of the children's work. For further details please see the newsletter which can be found by clicking the link below. It would be lovely to have some work from the Pearl and Quartz children.

I just want to add that it has been so lovely to have the children back in school and I am so proud with how well the children in Pearl and Quartz have adapted to the changes that have had to be made. Every day they have come to school with smiles on their faces and tried to do their very best, they are a credit to you all. Thank you also for your patience and support, particularly at drop off and pick up times, it is much appreciated. 

As I no longer have the chance to speak to you at the gate as I once did, please feel free to use the email to let me know of any worries or to ask any questions or you may even just want to tell me about how your child has felt after returning to school. If you would prefer a phone call then please ring the office and leave a message and I will ring you back as soon as possible. 

Many thanks
Miss Wakefield