Saturday 23 April 2022

25.04.22 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

Apologies for the delay in publishing the blog this week, I was busy enjoying the movie night yesterday. It was so lovely to see many of the Pearl children enjoying this fabulous PTA event. 

We have had a very busy first week back and the children are enjoying our new project "Minibeasts". We have spent this week learning about caterpillars and butterflies. The children all made their very own caterpillar and sequenced the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". A huge thank you to all of you who have helped your children complete their minibeast ideas sheet, I have been loving looking through these and seeing all of the minibeast hunts, photos and pictures that the children have been doing.

On to our learning for the coming week, we will be:

  • Sharing another book by Eric Carle, this time it is all about a bad-tempered ladybird.
  • Retelling the story "The Bad-Tempered Ladybird and thinking about how the ladybird behaved and whether this was the right thing to do, sharing our ideas during Circle Time.
  • Watching a film showing the life cycle of a ladybird.
  • Labelling the different parts of a ladybird.
  • Learning about time, making different o'clock times, just like those in the story.
  • Making ladybird pebbles to put into our garden.

As mentioned before the Easter holiday, I will be starting the drop in sessions from this week. These are a chance to pop into Pearl Class, for you and your child to have a look at any work we have been doing etc. Each week they will be on a different day, there is NO expectation for you to attend each week, but it would be lovely to see you all as we progress through this half term. The first of these drop in sessions will take place on THURSDAY

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield