Friday 12 November 2021

15.11.21 - This coming week in Early Years


We've reached the end of another busy week! This week we had a review week in our Phonics sessions, concentrating on our blending and segmenting skills, so there are no new sounds. 

I was very proud of all of the children on Thursday when we all sat for the 2 minute silence as part of our work about Remembrance.

We also had great fun when the "Big Bad Wolf" visited to blow our houses down, don't worry no pigs (or children) were harmed by him!

Odd Socks Day - Monday 15th November
Don't forget that on Monday, we are participating in "Odd Socks Day" to mark Anti-Bullying Week. To take part all your child needs to do (and you if you feel inclined!) is wear odd socks to school on Monday! In class, we will be exploring the theme of "One Kind Word" and linking this message to our Right to having the best possible health, including mental health (Article 24).

Children In Need - Friday 19th November
This year to celebrate Children in Need, we will be having a pyjama day at school on Friday 19th November. Children can wear their favourite PJs to school, however please remember that all children still need to wear sensible outdoor shoes so that they will be safe going outside, and to also bring a coat. There will be a bucket for donations at the gate during the morning drop off and the suggested donation is £1.

The children will be taking part in fun activities during the day, with prizes and rewards to be won. Children in Need has strong links to our work on SMSC and RRS.  We will be looking at the charities that Children in Need supports and making specific links to the Spiritual and Social threads of SMSC and to the following RRS Articles :

Article 1: All children under 18 have all the rights in the convention. 

Article 23: Any child with a disability must be provided with support so they can live as fully and independently as possible. 

Article 27: All children have the right to a good standard of living which meets their physical, social and mental needs. 

Now on to our learning for next week, we will be:

  • Reading different versions of the story "Little Red Riding Hood" and talking about the different characters.
  • Discussing whether Red Riding Hood did the right thing during our Circle Time.
  • Learning the last of our Phase 2 sounds and the last 2 Tricky Words in our Phonics sessions.
  • Working with 2D shapes in our Mathematics sessions and going on a shape hunt around our class.
  • Using our sounds to write a shopping list for Red Riding Hood.
  • Carefully weaving paper strips, remembering the pattern of over, under, over, under, to create a basket effect.

Home Learning Ideas:

This week perhaps you might like to try one of these ideas.
  1. Go for a walk in the woods and draw a picture of any animals, plants or trees you see. I'm lucky and live very close to some woods where there are foxes, badgers and squirrels, I wonder if you will see any of those?
  2. Have a competition at home to see who can put on and do up their coats the fastest. Little Red Riding Hood always did her coat up to keep her warm and now that the days are getting colder it would be great if all the children could do this for themselves.
  3. Share the story at home, a version of it can be found here.
If you and your child do any of these activities then please do email them to me using It is always lovely anything that the children have done.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe
Miss Wakefield