Friday, 16 June 2023

19.06.23 - This week in Early Years

Hello everyone!
The end of another busy and hot week! We have been enjoying our garden and want to say a huge thank you to everyone who sent their child in with suncream.

Next week we will be having a very eggciting week in school, we will be:
  • Receiving some eggs, for us to look after and watch hatch this week.
  • Listening to the story "Chicken Licken" and trying to recognise all of the rhyming words.
  • Consolidating our learning in our Phonics sessions this week, working on words with consonant clusters.
  • Meeting Numberblocks 13, 14 and 15 and learning all about these numbers.
  • Learning about sharing in our Mathematics sessions.
  • Playing a game using our super senses, this time using touch.

Apologies for the lack of drop in last week, unfortunately events in school meant we were unable to do one. This week's drop in will be on MONDAY.

Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley