Saturday, 4 March 2023

06.03.23 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone, 

We reached Day 100 on Monday, which was very exciting as it meant a double bundle!! We think you will all agree that the children have certainly been busy during those 100 days and learnt so much. It was lovely to share this with you all during our Parent/Teacher meetings this week too and we hope you enjoyed looking through their books.

The children all looked fantastic on Thursday in their various costumes and we had a lovely time sharing stories both in Early Years and then in our coloured Houses during the afternoon.

This coming week is set to be another busy one, with our Times Tables Rock Stars day on Thursday. We are looking forward to seeing all of their rock star outfits and wondering if Miss Langley can top her World Book Day outfit!
(If your child doesn't want to be a rock star, that is fine, they can simply come in non-uniform).

This coming week we will be:
  • Sharing and discussing the story "How To Catch A Star". This was Oliver Jeffers' first book and also the first story about the Boy.
  • Starting Phase 4 in our Phonics sessions, looking at CCVC words and learning a new Rainbow Word. 
  • Continuing the phase "Building 9 & 10" in our Mathematics sessions, counting backwards from 10 and finding different ways to make 10 using our 10 frames.
  • Starting to look at non-fiction books to learn about penguins.
  • Learning the Numberblocks song all about the one times table on Thursday as part of our Times Table Rocks Star day.
  • Painting our own moose, thinking about the way Oliver Jeffers drew them in his book "This Moose Belongs To Me".

Drop in this week will be on TUESDAY.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley