Friday, 24 February 2023

27.02.23 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone, 

Many thanks for all of the children's sheets about our new project, we made a great start on it this week and are looking forward to continuing to learn more about the Boy and the Penguin next week. 

Please don't forget that this week we have our Parent/Teacher consultations, so therefore there is no drop in again, these will resume next week.

This coming week we will be:
  • Sharing and discussing the story "Up and Down", which is another story about the Boy and the Penguin.
  • Discussing what it means to be a good friend in our Circle Time session and linking this to what we know about the Boy and the Penguin.
  • Learning the last of our Phase 3 sounds in our Phonics sessions and playing Phoneme Bingo again.
  • Looking at globes and maps of the world to find the South Pole and comparing it to Rayleigh, as we ran out of time for this last week.
  • Starting the phase "Building 9 & 10" in our Mathematics sessions.
  • Learning 5 new Vocabulary Ninja words.

Don't forget Thursday is World Book Day. The information about how we are marking this in school can be found here. We are looking forward to finding out about the children's favourite stories. 

Finally, a message from Mrs Hurley:

This year, at Down Hall Primary School, we have had a big focus on Times Tables through our Times Table Programme as well as Times Table Rock Stars. These have both helped the children to become more fluent in their times tables.

On Thursday 9th March, we would like all staff and pupils to take the opportunity to dress up as rock stars for the day. During this day they will take part in a range of maths activities. Prizes for the best dressed rock star will be handed out. There is no cost for dressing up. More details will follow...

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley