Hello Everyone!
Just a quick blog to wish you all a lovely half term and to also explain all of the different things that have come home with the children today.
In your child's homework folder you should find:
- The next set of sound cards. The film clips for these sounds are on our website, you can find them here.
- Mathematics homework - this week we have been learning about patterns. We would love to see any of the children's patterns, please feel free to send us any photos using earlyyears@downhallprimary.com.
- Your child's Christmas card design and the letter explaining the process. The deadline for the children's art work to be returned is Wednesday 2nd November.
- A piece of paper with "My Front Cover" on it. This is a competition to win a £5 voucher to be spent at our Book Fair (8th-11th November). Further information about this is on our newsletter. The front cover designs need to be returned by Monday 7th November.
- A project letter telling you about our next project "Once Upon a Time" which we start after half term. This letter is also on our website and can be found here.
There will be a blog on Sunday 30th October to let you know about our first week back.
Have a lovely break!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley