Hello everyone!
We have had an exciting week this week, starting our Phonics sessions and learning our first 4 sounds. All of the children have brought home their sound folder today. This contains the sounds we have learnt so far. On the Early Years part of the school website there are some clips which you may find helpful. The clips include how to use the sounds at home and how we say our sounds in school. If you are not sure if your child is saying the sounds correctly then please use this to check. (We may be saying the sounds differently in school to how you thought they were said). If you have any queries then please do get in contact, using earlyyears@downhallprimary.com. The clips can be found here.
Thank you to everyone who did try the Maths activity from last week. From this week, the children now have a folder for these and we will be adding a new one most weeks. There is no expectation for these activities to be completed, but they match the work we will have done that week in class so will, we hope, be helpful for the children.
On to our learning for this coming week, we will be:
- Sharing the story "Pumpkin Soup" about the Cat, the Duck and the Squirrel and talking about how they behaved towards each other in the story.
- Talking about pumpkins, using our different senses.
- Seeing how many seeds there are inside a pumpkin and counting them carefully.
- Learning the next set of sounds in our Phonics sessions.
- Continuing and creating repeating patterns in our Mathematics sessions.
- Electing our school councillors for Pearl and Quartz.
- Bringing home our Christmas card designs on Thursday.
We are looking forward to seeing you all next week for our Parent / Teacher consultations. If you have signed up for a Monday meeting but you would wish this to be a face to face meeting, please do let us know. We are gauging how popular ZOOM meetings are still and don't want you to feel that you have to have a ZOOM meeting just because the Tuesday appointments were full. Face to face meetings will take place in the school hall, you will need to enter school via the main entrance (on Brooklyn Drive), however all gates will be open. The links for the ZOOM meetings will be sent via our Early Years email address on Monday. There will be no drop in next week due to these meetings, drop in sessions will continue next half term.
In preparation for next half term it would be great if you could start to try and let your child walk some of the way to our gate by themselves in the morning.
Finally, don't forget Friday is an INSET day, so the children are not in school that day.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley