Friday, 26 January 2024

29.01.24 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

This week we have enjoyed the book "Dinosaur Roar". The children listened carefully to try and find all of the rhyming words. They also did some fabulous writing about some of the dinosaurs from the book.

This week we have a message from Miss Harvey:

Buy books, change lives
Want to support our school?
Buy books through LoveReading and LoveReading4Kids and we get  25% of the cover price to buy more books!
The LoveReading family — LoveReading, LoveReading4Kids and LoveReading4Schools — exists because reading matters, and books change lives. We know that reading for pleasure, and improving reading standards, has a huge impact on our children’s well-being, academic achievements, and future success. Alongside that, we also know that the current funding crisis has resulted in devastating cuts to budgets in our schools, which is why LoveReading is redressing
that shortfall through creating an online bookstore with social purpose.
How it works:
● When you buy any book from LoveReading or LoveReading4Kids, 25% of the cover price will be given to a school of your choice, such as us!
● Book prices are competitive with at least 10% off the RRP
● After you’ve searched for the books you’d like to buy (after reading reviews and accessing opening extracts of highly recommended titles), at checkout, you’ll be able to search for your school, by adding your school name or postcode, and you allocate that money to us. It will even tell you how much your purchase has donated to us!
● We can then spend our allocated funds on LoveReading4Kids to get more books in our classrooms and library.
LoveReading has a huge selection of books for all ages, across all genres, at competitive prices, so make LoveReading and LoveReading4Kids your go-to bookshops to give our school the chance to access more books.
Sounds like a win-win situation - you get great books, while we get funds for great books to encourage even more reading for pleasure in our children. Like we said at the start, reading matters and books change lives - buying books through LoveReading will ensure that continues to happen for students at our school, and future generations.
Thank you for your ongoing support!

Now on to our learning for the coming week, we will be:

  • Sharing the book "Dinosaur More!". This is a non-fiction version of last week's book "Dinosaur Roar!".
  • Learning what non-fiction means and using our book to find out information about the different dinosaurs.
  • Labelling the different parts of a dinosaur, using our segmenting skills to help us spell the words.
  • Matching the correct number of objects to a given number in our Mathematics sessions.
  • Learning about pumice stone and creating our very own volcano.
  • Continuing to think about the pulse (beat) in different pieces of music.

Drop in this week will be on TUESDAY.

We hope you have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley