We have enjoyed making lots of robots this week and hope you have seen them in the newsletter today. We hope you like how the newsletter has been improved further this week, with the addition of the class pages. These will continue each week, so we will be sharing different aspects of the children's learning as we move through this half term.
On to our learning for the coming week, we will be:
- Sharing the story "Dinosaur Roar!", this is another rhyming book so we will be trying to find all of the rhyming words.
- Writing a caption to go along with one of the pictures from "Dinosaur Roar!", using describing words to match the picture.
- Moving on to the phase "Mass and Capacity" in our Mathematics sessions, thinking about how much things weigh or how much they hold.
- Creating some dinosaur masks, carefully cutting out the shape of the head and the all important eye holes!
- Continuing to think and talk about our zones of regulation, considering how we are feeling during Circle Time sessions.
Drop in this week will be on THURSDAY.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley