Saturday, 1 July 2023

03.07.23 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

Well, another busy week has flown by, the children visited their new class on Thursday afternoon, spending time with Mr Jude, Mrs Yuille and Miss Smith. There are a further 2 visits planned, 1 this week and 1 next week. The children should have had a slip in their bags letting you know who their new teacher is, please ask if you have any questions or queries or if your child didn't have their slip.

Here is a rundown of the remaining events taking place this term:

Tuesday 4th July             Open School evening 4.30-6.30pm
Friday 7th July                 Sports Day
Friday 14th July               Reports out
Friday 14th July               Non-uniform day for our school charity - Centre Algarve
Thursday 21st July          Last day of term

Sports Day
A letter regarding Sports Day has been published on our website. It can also be found here. Please use the Google Form link to complete the information regarding the picnic lunch. The link for this can be found here
It would also be great if the children could wear a coloured t-shirt to match their team, if you don't have one, please don't worry we will find them a coloured band to wear. The colours are:
Brooklyn        Deepdene        Hambro        Teignmouth
Any queries, please do ask.

Open School
This is an opportunity to into school, you will be able to go in any of the classrooms, including visiting the children's new class. It is not an "parent/teacher consultation" evening so no need to make an appointment, just come and have a look around!

Now on to our learning for the coming week, we will be:
  • Finishing our flying superheroes from last week by adding the speech bubbles.
  • Sharing some "Supertato" adventure stories.
  • Working on some number problems in our Mathematics sessions.
  • Sharing and discussing the story "Meesha Makes Friends" in our Circle Time session.
  • Creating flags ready for Sports Day on Friday!
  • Enjoying our Sports Day on Friday, racing to win points for our teams.

There is no addition drop in session this week as school is open Tuesday evening for Open School. 

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley