The children have had a very busy and exciting day today, with visits to see Father Christmas and Christmas shopping for our families. We were so lucky that Father Christmas spent the whole day at school and even came to our assembly this morning!
We have spent this week getting everything ready for our Nativity next week. We are sorry that this has meant we haven't had a chance to change any of the children's books, but we will rectify this next week.
On to our learning for the coming week, we will be:
- Performing our Nativity to the rest of the school on Monday.
- Performing our Nativity to our families on Tuesday.
- Finishing off our Christmas mathematics activities from this week, counting objects and creating repeating patterns.
- Taking our Christmas cards and calendars home to share with our families.
For the performance on Tuesday all gates will be opened at 9.15am. Please make your way round to the front of the school (by the office) where you will be able to enter the hall via the double doors in the car park. The PTA will be offering teas and coffees and there will be a collection for the school charity at the end of the performance. PLEASE NOTE we have already taken photographs of the children in their costumes and you will not be able to take photos or film our Nativity, as already stated in the letter, as this would not comply with our safeguarding procedures.
The Echo should be publishing a photo of our Nativity as part of their supplement on Tuesday 20th.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley