Hello everyone!
We have had a lovely week in Early Years. We have decorated our Home Corner and have our tree back from the Christmas Tree Festival. We have had a few visits from the Elf, who has been up to a little mischief in our classrooms!
Upcoming Events
- Monday 11th December - Non-uniform Day (Chocolate donation for the PTA Bazaar)
- Friday 15th December - PTA Christmas Bazaar
- Wednesday 20th December - Our Nativity (at 9.30am)
Christmas Jumper Day
The children looked fantabulous in their Christmas Jumpers and we have raised enough money to continue to sponsor Thoko and her local community in Malawi.
On to our learning for next week, we will be:
- Watching the Key Stage 1 children perform their Christmas production on Tuesday.
- Finishing our Christmas cards and calendars ready to take them home to our families.
- Playing the different games on Phonics Play.
- Creating our own Fairy Light patterns and completing some Christmas counting activities in our Mathematics sessions.
- Listening to Mrs Morgan, who will be visiting on Thursday, play some of her instruments.
- Enjoying the PTA's Christmas Bazaar and Santa's Grotto on Friday.
The last drop in for this year will be on THURSDAY.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley