Friday, 24 November 2023

27.11.23 - This coming week in Early Years

 Hello everyone!

This week, we have reached the milestone of 50 days in school! It has been a very busy 50 days and we are very proud of all of the children in Pearl and Quartz and how much they have learnt in this short amount of time.

Upcoming Events

As we approach a busy time of year there is an increasing number of events coming up. We thought it might be helpful if we added them to the blog each week. Further information is always in the newsletter.

  • Thursday 7th December - Christmas Jumper Day
  • Friday 8th December - PTA Movie Night
 On to our learning for next week, we will be:

  • Learning some tricky sounds in our Phonics sessions this week.
  • Finding 1 more and 1 less than a number in our Mathematics sessions.
  • Talking about the start of Advent and our Advent calendar.
  • Talking about different Christmas customs from around the world with our interactive Advent calendar.
  • Finishing our decorations for our Christmas tree for the Holy Trinity Christmas Tree Festival.
  • Decorating our classroom and putting up our Christmas tree in our Home Corner.
  • Learning some of the songs for our Nativity.
Drop in this week will be on FRIDAY.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley