Friday, 20 October 2023

Happy Half Term!

Hello Everyone!

We have reached the end of the children's first half term at Down Hall! We are SO proud of them all and all of their achievements and we hope you feel the same. This is just a quick blog to wish you all a lovely half term and to also explain all of the different things that have come home with the children today.

In your child's homework folder you should find:
  1. The next set of sound cards and some flashcards containing those sounds. The film clips for these sounds are on our website, you can find them here.
  2. Half Term homework - now that the weather has turned colder it is taking us lots of time to get ready for our outside time. We would be very grateful if you could spend a little bit of the holiday encouraging your child to put on their coat and try to do it up by themselves. We would love to see any of the children giving it a go, so please feel free to send us any photos using
  3. Your child's Christmas card design and the letter explaining the process. The deadline for the children's art work to be returned is Monday 30th October.
  4. A project letter telling you about our next project "Once Upon a Time" which we start after half term. This letter is also on our website and can be found here.
  5. A letter regarding the change of system in school. We will no longer be using Scopay, instead we have moved to SchoolMoney. You should have also received an email with the links you will need to set up your child's account. 
Please can the homework folders be returned each week as we will use them to send sound cards, flashcards and homework home. 

There will be a blog on Sunday 29th October to let you know about our first week back.

Have a lovely break!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley