Hello everyone!
This week the PTA "Coin Battles" have begun! Thank you to everyone who has sent in money for the jars. There are still 2 weeks to go, so plenty of time for some sabotage of the other classes!
The children have all come home with an empty matchbox today. As part of our Mathematics work this week, we have been thinking about how much different containers can hold. We have challenged the children to see how many different items they can fit into their matchbox. Please can they be returned next week so we can find out who is the winner! (The adults will be joining in too and if it is anything like previous years it is likely to become quite competitive!)
This coming Wednesday sees the start of Chinese New Year, so this will be the main focus for our learning, we will be:
- Learning about Chinese New Year. This year it is the year of the Snake.
- Sharing the story "The Great Race" to find out all about the Chinese Zodiac and how each year is named after an animal.
- Finding out about how Chinese New Year is celebrated and also watching some Dragon dancing.
- Thinking about the numbers 6, 7, 8 in our Mathematics sessions.
- Creating some dragons and snakes as part of our Chinese New Year work.
This week, Mrs Wood has reminded the children that they should be having water in their bottles as there is an increasing number bringing in squash/juice. As a Healthy School, the children SHOULD have water only.
This week's drop in will be on FRIDAY.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley