Friday, 28 June 2024

01.07.24 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

WOW, this week has been a scorcher! The children have been so amazing and coped really well despite how hot the classrooms have got. They did enjoy Miss Langley spraying them with the hose in our learning garden - it certainly helped everyone cool down!

Upcoming Dates

Friday 5th July                    Sports Day
Saturday 6th July                PTA Fete
Thursday 11th July             Children meeting their new teachers
Thursday 11th July             Open School - 3.45pm to 5.30pm

Now on to our learning for the coming week, we will be:

  • Starting to think about some real life superheroes and how they might help us. 
  • Sharing and discussing the story "Meesha Makes Friends" in our Circle Time session.
  • Exploring mapping in our Mathematics sessions, including trying to make some of our own.
  • Working on some difficult patterns in our Start-Bee handwriting sessions, remembering to try and manage it all in one pencil stroke.
  • Enjoying our Sports Day on Friday, working together as teams to win points for our houses. 
Sorry, there is no drop in session this week.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 21 June 2024

24.06.24 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

We have had a lovely week in Early Years, spending time looking after our chicks and doing some super writing all about Jack Jack. 

Upcoming Dates

Friday 5th July                    Sports Day (The information for this can be found here)
Saturday 6th July                PTA Fete
Thursday 11th July             Children meeting their new teachers
Thursday 11th July             Open School - 3.45pm to 5.30pm

Now on to our learning for the coming week, we will be:
  • Sharing the Superhero story about Max and Pinky.
  • Writing different sentences in our Phonics sessions, using our sounds to help us. 
  • Using positional language in our Mathematics sessions, describing where different things are placed.
  • Creating some flying Superheroes using our handprints and then writing a speech bubble for them.
  • Reading and discussing the story "Perfectly Norman".

This week there will be a drop in on THURSDAY.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 14 June 2024

17.06.24 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

We have had an eggciting week in Early Years! We had 10 eggs arrive on Monday and by the end of the week 9 have hatched. We have learnt how to take care of our chicks and know how important it is to make sure they are safe and have plenty of food and water.

Today we have also completed our Race for Life. We all went onto the field together to complete our laps. The Just Giving page will be remaining open until the end of term, a link to the page can be found here

Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday 18th June             Book Fair (Tuesday - Friday)
Friday 5th July                    Sports Day
Saturday 6th July                PTA Fete
Thursday 11th July             Children meeting their new teachers
Thursday 11th July             Open School - 3.45pm to 5.30pm

Now on to our learning for the coming week, we will be:

  • Writing about Jack Jack, using the word banks we have created and remembering to include important information, for example discussing his powers. (We ran out of time this week for this activity!)
  • Continuing to care for our chickens before they are returned to "Our Garden Hens".
  • Learning about patterns in our Mathematics sessions, identifying the unit of repeat each time.
  • Playing a game using our "Super Senses", this week we will be using the sense of touch.
  • Sharing and discussing the stories "Ravi's Roar" and "Milo's Monster" in our Circle Time sessions.
  • Having our final "catch up" swimming session on WEDNESDAY.

This week there will be a drop in on MONDAY.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 7 June 2024

10.06.24 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

We have had a lovely first week back and everyone looked amazing today for our Times Table Rockstar Day! 

As we are now in the last half term we thought we would start the blogs each week with some important upcoming diary dates.

Friday 14th June                 PTA Father's Day Sale (in school time)
Tuesday 18th June             Book Fair (starts on 18th for the week, also see info below from                                              Miss Harvey
Friday 5th July                    Sports Day
Saturday 6th July                PTA Fete

PTA Father's Day Sale
On Friday 14th June the PTA will be running a Father's Day sale in school. During the day your child will have the chance to attend the sale if you wish them to. The items are priced between £1-£3.50. We ask that the children bring money in a named purse, wallet or envelope, along with a carrier bag with their name on to hold the purchased items.

Book Fair Competitions
To be in with a chance to win a £5 voucher for the Book Fair, we are holding some competitions for you to enter. There are 5 vouchers up for grabs so 5 competitions are running.

They are:

Competition 1: Everyone - Design a new wand and include a description explaining what it is made from.

Competition 2: EYFS/ KS1 - Design a new front cover for your favourite book.

Competition 3: KS2 -  Design a new front cover for your favourite book.

Competition 4: EYFS/ KS1 - Design a bookmark.

Competition 5: KS2 - The most words read on Accelerated Reader the week before (these will be checked by Miss Harvey in school).

These can be done on paper and given to Miss Harvey (or any of the Early Years team) or you can even use ClassDojo to send your entry digitally. You  can enter more than one competition as long as it is for your phase. All competition entries to be in by Wednesday 12th June and the winner will be announced in assembly on Friday 14th June

Winners will receive a certificate, £5 voucher for the book fair and their name will be entered to win a special prize at the end of the term. The Book fair is running from Tuesday 18th to Friday 21st June and there is a 3 for 2 offer so please come along to support the school.

Miss Harvey

Now on to the learning for this coming week, we will be:

  • Writing about Jack Jack, using some of our ideas from the word bank we created last week.  
  • Discussing new Vocabulary Ninja words. 
  • Working on Odd and Even numbers and Doubling in our Mathematics sessions.
  • Watching the story "One Odd Day" and making our own odd creatures.
  • Sharing and discussing the story "Ruby's Worry" in our Circle Time session. 
  • Making some special cards to take home on Friday.

Drop in will be on Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Sunday, 2 June 2024

03.06.24 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone, 

We hope you have all had a lovely half term. We will be starting our new project next week, so we are looking forward to seeing all of the children's Superhero ideas! If you have misplaced the sheets, they can be found on the Early Years part of the school website, or by clicking here.

On to our learning for the first week back, we will be:

  • Sharing our Half Term news and our ideas for our new project.
  • Watching and discussing the Disney short "Jack-Jack Attack".
  • Thinking about the main character in the film and what they were like, working in a group to describe Jack Jack.
  • Sharing and grouping numbers of things, as we start to learn about division.
  • Creating mini superhero puppets, by carefully cutting them out.
  • Enjoying our Rock Star day on Friday - please remember the children will still have their PE session so need to wearing something that is appropriate for PE.

There is no drop in this week - drop in sessions will start again the following week.

Don't forget, tomorrow is an INSET day with school closed to the children. We will see you all on Tuesday morning!

Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley