Sunday, 25 February 2024

26.02.24 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone, 

We hope you have all had a lovely half term break. This week we will starting our new project "Lost and Found" and will be:

  • Watching and listening to the story "Lost and Found".
  • Learning about the author Oliver Jeffers who wrote and illustrated the story "Lost and Found".
  • Sequencing events from the story, using pictures from the film and then creating our own song to tell the story of the Boy and the Penguin.
  • Spending time in our Phonic sessions revisiting sounds we have found difficult to recall. (We will be doing this over the next 3 weeks)
  • Making our own repeating pattern umbrellas like the one belonging to the penguin.
  • Creating boats, using the junk modelling materials, to sail in the water tray.

See you tomorrow!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Saturday, 17 February 2024

Happy Day 100!

Hello everyone!

We had a wonderful time celebrating our 100 days in school, ending the day by eating the delicious cake that Mrs Wood had got for us! 

Today the children have brought home a letter about our next project "Lost and Found". We really enjoyed finding out the answers to the children's questions about dinosaurs, so it would be lovely to have their ideas once again. If you can't find your child's sheet, they can also be found here

There will be a new blog next weekend to let you know about our plans for the first week back. There is just one piece of whole school information that we felt important to share though, which is:

World Book Day
This year, World Book Day is on Thursday 7th March. To promote reading within our school community, for this day the children can bring in a favourite book from home which they can share with the other children in their class.
They can also bring in a prop which serves as a clue to their favourite book/character or come dressed up as a favourite character too if they so wish. On this day all the children will also receive a £1 World Book Day voucher!

Have a lovely half term!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 9 February 2024

12.02.24 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

This week we have made our own fossils and also created our own volcano, which was exciting! We watched these two clips and have linked them here in case you would like to have a go at home yourselves! Salt dough fossils and Volcano!

On Wednesday, (Valentine's Day) it is wear something red day, to help raise funds for our PTA. The children can wear something red, along with their normal school uniform for a suggested donation of £1. They are also asked to bring in some coins to take part in the coin run. Each class will be laying their coins in a long line and the class with the longest line will win a prize! Again all monies will be going to the PTA.

Most excitingly, Friday will mark 100 days since we started school! Mrs Wood has said we can have a little party to celebrate - we are even getting a special cake! As it also our Wellbeing day, the children do not need to wear uniform, they can come in party clothes or comfy clothes (which ever they prefer). We just ask that they are able to do PE in whatever they are wearing.

This Saturday sees the start of Chinese New Year, so this will be the main focus for our learning, we will be:

  • Learning about Chinese New Year. This year it is the year of the Dragon.
  • Sharing the story "The Great Race" to find out all about the Chinese Zodiac and how each year is named after an animal.
  • Finding out about how Chinese New Year is celebrated and also watching some Dragon dancing.
  • Learning 5 new Vocabulary Ninja words.
  • Comparing objects by their length in our Mathematics sessions.

This week's drop in will be on TUESDAY.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 2 February 2024

05.02.24 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

Well, that wasn't quite the week we planned! We hope that everyone will be fighting fit for next week and we have carried over some of our learning to this coming week.

This week we have LOVED seeing the children's matchboxes and seeing how many items they had managed to fit in their boxes. Sadly some of the adults didn't get to share their boxes, but we will rectify that next week! If your child would still like to carry out this activity, we would love to see their matchboxes next week too.

Now on to our learning for the coming week, we will be:

  • Sharing non-fiction texts to find out facts about different dinosaurs. 
  • Looking at fossils and learning about the job of a Palaeontologist.
  • Writing some captions for some different fossils.
  • Creating our own volcano (carried over from last week) and also making some salt dough fossils.
  • Starting to learn about doubling in our Maths sessions.
  • Comparing dinosaurs by their length, height and weight, using the facts we have found.
  • Checking to see if we have answered all of the children's dinosaur questions.

Drop in this week will be on THURSDAY.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley