Friday, 26 May 2023

Happy Half Term!!

Hello everyone!
The children would have brought home their letters for our next project "Superheroes" yesterday. If you aren't able to find them, there is also a copy on our Early Years pages of the school website. We would be very grateful if the children could bring them in during the first week back, as we do use them to help plan the learning for our project.

There will be a blog again on Sunday to let you know what we will be doing in Pearl and Quartz during our first week back. In the meantime, we hope that you all have a fabulous half term and we look forward to hearing all about them when we come back. 

See you all on Monday 5th June!

Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 19 May 2023

22.05.23 - This coming week in Early Years

 Hello everyone!

With just one week left of this term, time certainly seems to be flying. The children have spent this week learning about a range of minibeasts and we will build upon this next week when we will be watching parts of the film "A Bug's Life". 

Miss Langley is off to the Isle of Wight next week, on the Year 6 residential. This means Quartz Class will have Mrs O'Connor and Mrs Holmes next week. 

So on to our learning for the coming week, we will be:

  • Watching clips from the film "A Bug's Life" in our story time, thinking about the different minibeasts characters.
  • Writing about different minibeasts, remembering to use our finger spaces to make sure our writing is easier to read.
  • Continuing to use First Then and Now stories but this time when taking away numbers in our Mathematics sessions.
  • Checking that we have answered all the questions posed by the children at the start of our Minibeast project.
  • Talking about ways to keep ourselves healthy during Circle Time and sharing a very silly story all about the importance of eating vegetables!

This week, our drop in session will be on WEDNESDAY

Don't forget next Friday is a non-pupil day, so school will be closed for the children. 

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 12 May 2023

15.05.23 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

It was lovely to see so many of you at this week's drop in, we hope you enjoyed seeing our Coronation and having the chance to look at our "Chair fit for a King". We were very proud of the children and how fantastically they sang their Coronation song.

This coming week, we will be:
  • Sharing the book "Mad About Minibeasts!" which is full of rhymes about different minibeasts.
  • Learning some facts about some of those minibeasts like snails, slugs and bees.
  • Creating our own snail collage, printing the shell and cutting out the bodies and comparing our masterpieces to "The Snail" by Henri Matisse
  • Updating our name displays in our classrooms to show how fabulous our writing is.
  • Continuing our work on addition in our Mathematics sessions.
  • Discussing the book "Kipper's Monster" in our Circle Time session.
This week the drop in session will be on TUESDAY

Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 5 May 2023

08.05.23 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

We have had SUCH a lovely day in school today, celebrating the upcoming Coronation of Charles III. The children performed their very own Coronation this morning to the rest of the school, where we crowned King Charlie and Queen Lily. 

This afternoon we then watched the rest of the school perform different songs they had learnt to mark this occasion. 

Next week we are returning to our Minibeast project and will be learning about spiders. We will be:

  • Sharing and discussing the story "The Very Busy Spider", which is another story by Eric Carle.
  • Reading and ordering instructions to make our own spiders.
  • Searching for webs and spiders in our garden and learning how and why spiders make webs.
  • Using the spider fridge magnets we made a few weeks ago to carry out a science experiment.
  • Working on addition in our Mathematics sessions.

We will show the film of our Coronation at the next drop in, which will be on THURSDAY.

We hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley