Friday, 25 November 2022

28.11.22 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

Today during our "How Many Days" song we realised that the children have been in school for 50 days! It has been a very busy 50 days and we are very proud of all of the children in Pearl and Quartz and how much they have learnt in this short amount of time.

Upcoming Events

As we approach a busy time of year there is an increasing number of events coming up. We thought it might be helpful if we added them to the blog each week. Further information is always in the newsletter.

  • Tuesday 29th November - Flu Immunisations
  • Thursday 1st December - Photograph orders (via school) MUST be in today by 9am.
  • Friday 2nd December - Movie Night for EYFS and KS1
  • Friday 9th December - Christmas Jumper Day
  • Friday 16th December - PTA Christmas Bazaar
  • Tuesday 20th December - Our Nativity
 On to our learning for next week, we will be:

  • Using our sounds to segment to spell some 2 and 3 phoneme words.
  • Finding 1 more and 1 less than a number in our Mathematics sessions.
  • Remembering our learning from last week and using the shapes and fill tool when drawing on our interactive board.
  • Talking about the start of Advent and our Advent calendar.
  • Talking about different Christmas customs from around the world with our interactive Advent calendar.
  • Decorating our classroom and putting up our Christmas tree in our Home Corner.
  • Learning some of the songs for our Nativity.
Drop in this week will be on THURSDAY.

We are so proud of the children who come into school now by themselves - well done! For those that are still a little unsure, please continue to encourage your child by leaving them before reaching the Early Years gate. We appreciate that some mornings you may have messages for us and sometimes the children ask you to bring them but it would be wonderful if they could try.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 18 November 2022

21.11.22 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone!

Today we have had a lovely day raising money for Children in Need. It has been a busy, fun packed day. We will have a total for the amount raised next week.

The children have brought home their last sets of sounds for Phase 2. We have now learnt all of the sounds for this phase and will now spend some time consolidating before moving on. Many thanks to all of you for supporting your child with their Phonics at home as we have seen the impact!

Upcoming Events

As we approach a busy time of year there is an increasing number of events coming up. We thought it might be helpful if we added them to the blog each week. Further information is always in the newsletter.

  • Friday 25th November - Non-uniform day for the PTA, suggested donation of £1 OR some chocolate to go towards the tombola at the Christmas Bazaar.
  • Tuesday 29th November - Flu Immunisations
  • Friday 2nd December - Movie Night for EYFS and KS1
  • Friday 9th December - Christmas Jumper Day*

*The PTA will be holding a Christmas Jumper Sale on 25th November if you need a new festive jumper!

On to our learning for next week, we will be:

  • Reading the story "Each Peach Pear Plum" and trying to identify all the different nursery rhyme and story book characters.
  • Identifying the rhyming words in our story and making a list of rhyming words.
  • Starting our new phase in Mathematics, "Light and Dark", finding different ways to make 4 and 5 using our 10 frames and counters,
  • Trying to learn the rhyme in the book, working on our memory skills!
  • Learning how to use our lightboxes to help us write our names during our Start-Bee sessions.
  • Working on our scissor skills by cutting out the different characters and then creating our own version of the final picture in the story.
This week's drop in will be on MONDAY.

In addition to the Maths homework we would be really grateful if you could help your child practise doing up their coat. With the change in weather this week we have lost minutes of our playtime as it is taking a long time, even with 3 adults, to do the children's coats. 

Thank you for your support, we hope you have a lovely weekend. 

Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 11 November 2022

14.11.22 - This coming week in Early Years


It was so lovely to see so many of you at our Drop In last night. We hope you enjoyed looking at your child's Learning Journey and listening to our Phonic Songs. We have started to update the Phonics section of the website, the new letter formation rhymes are now there. The songs that the children have been learning can be found by clicking here

We were very proud of all of the children today when we all sat for the 2 minute silence as part of our work about Remembrance.

Here is some additional information about events happening next week:

School Photographs - Thursday 17th November
Individual and sibling photographs will be taken. You do not need to ask for the sibling photos to be taken, this will be done automatically.

Children In Need - Friday 18th November
This year to celebrate Children in Need, we will be having a pyjama day at school on Friday 18th November. Children can wear their favourite PJs to school, however please remember that all children still need to wear sensible outdoor shoes so that they will be safe going outside, and to also bring a coat. There will be a bucket for donations at the gates during the morning drop off and the suggested donation is £1.

Now on to our learning for next week, we will be:

  • Reading different versions of the story "Little Red Riding Hood" and talking about the different characters.
  • Discussing whether Red Riding Hood did the right thing during our Circle Time.
  • Learning the last of our Phase 2 sounds in our Phonics sessions.
  • Working with 2D shapes in our Mathematics sessions and going on a shape hunt around our class.
  • Using our sounds to write a shopping list for Red Riding Hood.
  • Carefully weaving paper strips, remembering the pattern of over, under, over, under, to create a basket effect.
  • Testing our houses from last week by seeing if the Big Bad Wolf can blow them down. (We ran out of time this week to do this).
Drop in this week will be on TUESDAY.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley

Friday, 4 November 2022

07.11.22 - This coming week in Early Years

Hello everyone, 

We have enjoyed playing in the rain this week, spending time jumping in the puddles and watching the water drip from the canopy. We have also been trialling a new Phonics scheme, you may have heard your child singing some of our new songs - we will be updating the Phonics section of our class page to reflect these changes as soon as possible.

Just a few things to mention before we talk about the learning for this coming week. 


Next week, the children will have the opportunity to purchase poppies within class. As well as the poppies, there are some other Royal British Legion merchandise (such as key rings, wrist bands and slap bands) which can be purchased. The suggested donation for these items are 50p for a poppy and £1 for other items. If you wish your child to get any of these, then please send them in with their money any day next week.

Book Fair

Our Book Fair takes place next week, it will be open Tuesday - Friday after school in the hall. We are only able to take cash at this fair.

Now on to our learning for this coming week, we will be:

  • Reading different versions of this week's story, "The Three Little Pigs".
  • Building houses using different construction materials and then testing them against a big bad wolf!
  • Starting our Vocabulary Ninja sessions.
  • Making our own Poppies for Remembrance.
  • Watching the CBeebies film "Poppies" on Remembrance Day and observing the silence at 11am.

This week we will resume our drop in sessions after school. The drop in this week will be on THURSDAY.

Now that we have returned from half term and to encourage the children's independence, it would be great if you could try and let your child walk to our Early Years gate by themselves in the morning. There is an adult on each entrance to the school who can take any messages and we are always available for a chat at home time, or you can email us using

Have a lovely weekend, 
Miss Wakefield, Mrs O'Connor and Miss Langley